
Showing posts with the label self love❤️

process of knowing yourself

1.Maintain personal diary •  It helps you in learning what you are  • your likes and dislikes • Your Passion • What you want to be in life • Find 5 to 10 min everyday and choose a comfortable place to write • Write about how you feel,what bothers you, what excites you and establish connection between you and yourself. 2. Practice meditation • Find 10min every day and sit comfortably,  • Focus on your breath and allow the thoughts that enter your mind. • Acknowledge them but don't allow them to disturb you. 3. Exercise regularly. • helps a person physically and mentally • if you are facing hard times then exercise is the best way to slow you down 4.Go for walk regularly • It's allow you to slow down and notice what's going on around you 5. Do some riding or driving • driving proves to be good process particularly when you find it hard to locate a quite place 6. Do some outing • A day spent in park , a theatre. Coffee house that allows you to be with yourself 7. Develop some

SELF DISCOVERY(importance)

If you know yourself you will be able to know your strength and weakness . subsequently you will be able to remove your weak portion. You must know yourself in oder to be useful to yourself and others  1. Help to control emotions • knowing yourself guards yourself against your response triggered by your emotions. • Everything you do is based on your emotions only and often emotions lead to miscalculatiom • knowing yourself helps to take control of your emotions and helps in decision and choices when you are in emotional state. 2. Helps to reach your goal • Knowing yourself is a very important task that you have to undertake and the most challenging as well. • When you know who you are, and clearly understand what you want you have better chance of discovering how to reach your goal ,personal fulfillment and happiness 3. Helps to reach better decisions • Knowing yourself is important because it will help you to make better decisions and be a better person • The most aware you are of you