SELF DISCOVERY(importance)

If you know yourself you will be able to know your strength and weakness . subsequently you will be able to remove your weak portion. You must know yourself in oder to be useful to yourself and others 
1. Help to control emotions
• knowing yourself guards yourself against your response triggered by your emotions.
• Everything you do is based on your emotions only and often emotions lead to miscalculatiom
• knowing yourself helps to take control of your emotions and helps in decision and choices when you are in emotional state.
2. Helps to reach your goal
• Knowing yourself is a very important task that you have to undertake and the most challenging as well.
• When you know who you are, and clearly understand what you want you have better chance of discovering how to reach your goal ,personal fulfillment and happiness
3. Helps to reach better decisions
• Knowing yourself is important because it will help you to make better decisions and be a better person
• The most aware you are of your faults the less detached you will feel
• you will also feel more at ease with will also able to improve those things that you want to and let go of the things that you can't
4. Helps to improve relationship
• Knowing your true and inner shelf will be of great help in working to reach your goals more effectively . It will guide you along the path to success and take you to such calmness that it will improve your attitude as well as your relationship with others in your life.
5. Helps to realize and improve your full potential
• knowing yourself will enable you to development your full potential and be happy, contentend and fulfilled .
• Knowing yourself ensures success in business, friendship,love,sports, altogether
6. Helps to experience happiness and joy
• Knowing yourself enables you to discover and attain your goal and then when you reach your goals you turn out to  a happy person.
• This is not only fills you with much happiness but also improves your mindset.
•And that is the happiness in the truest sense.
❤️Stay tuned can learn more about self discovery ❤️


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