
Showing posts with the label acne


 Now in this world every adult faces the problem which is ACNE  . let we see what are the modern aspesct of acne like factors causing acne, pathophysiology, stages ,treatments... come on let we go inside it  It will affect 85% Younger than 24 age  15%  younger 35 age 3% older than 35 ( women) ACNE a skin condition characterized by red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents. FACTORS AFFECTING ACNE Harmones genetics puberty diet (chocolate,lipids, milk) bacteria BACTERIA WHICH CAUSES ACNE Propionibacterium  cutibacterium VITAL DIGNOSTIC POINTS Mainly seen over face, chest, back black heads with papules , pustules in severe cases cysts, scars  ACNE  Acne is non inflammatory or inflammatory depends on what stage of acne  Initial phase this pimple is in non inflammatory form but when it pops out their small inflammatory reaction takes place  SKIN skin consist of dermis,epidermis,sebaceous gland ,This