
Showing posts with the label do's and don'ts in disease

obesity (sthaulya) pathyaapathya (do's and don'ts)

Pathya (do's) 1.Cerals - special variety of rice (shyavaka ,kodrava), bajra,maze(maka) , Barley 2.Pulses- pigeon pea (Agrahara), green gram(mudga),kulattha,chickenpea (chana) 3. Fruits and vegetables- brinjal ,paravala, drumstick (shigru) 4.others - buttermilk,cardomom, amlaki, Mustard oil,luke warm water,priyangu,guggulu,lauha bhasma , Shilajit,intake of water before meal ,food substance with pungent,bitter and astringent taste - physical education,night awakening,worry,massage with medicated paste or powder , lighting,sunlight exposure, walking, desaturation, exercise, bathing with Luke warm water Apathya ( don'ts) 1.cerals -newly harvested cerals, wheat 2.pulse- black gram  3.fruits and vegetables - potato 4.others -milk, curd, meat,fish,clarified butter,jaggery,intake of water after meal - bathing with cold water ,day sleeping, luxurious lifestyle, oil massage