
Showing posts with the label pregnancy

prenatal care

 hi..subha here lets we get to know about prenatal care  It is a antenatal care programme that involves a coordinated approach to medical care and psychosocial support that optimally begins before conception and extends throughout the antenatal period. WHO recommends a minimum of 4 antenatal visits comprising interventions such as tetanus toxoid vaccination, screening and treatment for infection and identification of warning signs during pregnancy. preconceptional counselling According to WHO preconceptional care is the provision of biomedical, behavioural and social health interventions to women and couples before conception occurs. it aims to improve their health status and reducing behaviour and individual and environmental factors that contribute to poor maternal and child health outcomes. ultimate aim to improve maternal and child health  Through medical examination is done to identify medical, reproductive, genetic, social and nutritional risk factors and stratagies are formulate

pregnancy and exercise

A lot of women , when they are pregnant are worried about how much exercise they can or can't take  • lots of women stop exercise • it is not necessarily a good thing * SUGGESTIONS *  1. If pregnant women like to do exercise then she is not recommended to do exercise very vigorously in early pregnancy because it is associated with miscarriage. 2. At the end of pregnancy then some exercise obviously become very uncomfortable. Recommended activities 1.walking 1st trimesters:- • Walk 10 -15 min • 3 days a week *Feel ready*  • add another day  • increase 5 min After few weeks  • Add 5 days of walking  • End of the 1st trimester walk 10-20 min 2nd trimester • walk 10min  •for 4 to 5 days • at the end of the 2nd trimester walk 15-30 min 3nd trimester  • slow walk for 5 to 6 days • walk for 10 min • 15-30 min of walking is great at end of trimester 2.Sit to stand exercise can be done at third trimester Exercise help 1. lung function 2. Blood flow to uterus 3.depression 4.decrease  caesare