prenatal care

 hi..subha here lets we get to know about prenatal care 

It is a antenatal care programme that involves a coordinated approach to medical care and psychosocial support that optimally begins before conception and extends throughout the antenatal period.

WHO recommends a minimum of 4 antenatal visits comprising interventions such as tetanus toxoid vaccination, screening and treatment for infection and identification of warning signs during pregnancy.

preconceptional counselling

According to WHO preconceptional care is the provision of biomedical, behavioural and social health interventions to women and couples before conception occurs. it aims to improve their health status and reducing behaviour and individual and environmental factors that contribute to poor maternal and child health outcomes. ultimate aim to improve maternal and child health 

Through medical examination is done to identify medical, reproductive, genetic, social and nutritional risk factors and stratagies are formulated to minimise their pathological influences on pregnancy.

First antenatal visit

  • Timing of visit:- the first visit should be as soon as pregnancy is suspected , ideally not later than the second missed period 
  • goals:- to confirming the pregnancy, to identify the risk factors of pregnancy, to estimate the gestational age of the fetus, to formulate the plan for prenatal care
  •  high risk pregnancy requires special care with multi disciplinary approach (preexisting maternal diseases - Renal, Cardiac, Hypertension, Auto-immune disorders, Epilepsy, Diabetes mellitus; obstetric history- maternal age 35 years, recurrent pregnancy wastage , previous c section, prior fetal,structural,chromosomal anomally)
Subsequent antenatal visits 

The pregnant mother should be seen by a doctor in early pregnancy and in the absence of complications, at specified periods throughout her pregnancy and delivery usually once a month till week 28 once a fortnight till week 36 and from then on once a week till term

In uncomplicated pregnancy fewer visit may be acceptable

Advice to expectant mother 

  • The  expectant mother is instructed about diet,relaxation and sleep,bowel habits, exercise, bathing, clothing, avoidance of hard and tiering work, recreation and follow-up visits. 
  • Restriction of sexual intercourse and its avoidance in the first and last few weeks of pregnancy are beneficial 
  • the prospective mother should maintain an equable temperament and should avoid mental excitement.
  • reading books on motherhood is helpful in maintaining the requisite mental state.
  • some of the danger signals of pregnancy should be reported immediately ( bleeding per vagina, abdominal or pelvic pain, swelling of face or limbs ,blurring or diminised vision, fever , persistent vomiting, dysuria, escape of fluid from vagina, marked changes in the frequency or intensity of fetal movements.)


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