Get out from grief

"Stop using your energy to worry. use your energy to believe, create, love, grow, glow, manifest and heal"

 hello all subha here... how are you? my dear readers .., some of us all faced lots of mental disturbing problems right ..this past may doom the future . it affect the present living life . recovering from a significant emotional loss is not an easy task. taking the action that lead to recovery will require your attention, open mindedness , willingness, courage. 

Grief definition

  • Grief is the normal and natural reaction to significant emotional loss of any kind.
  • Grief is the conflicting feeling caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior.
  • Grief is the feeling of reaching out for someone who has always been there , only to find when you need them again, they are no longer there.
  • Grief is individual and unique . there are no stages. grief can not be neatly categorized.

Typical responses associated with grief

  • Reduced concentration
  • A sense of numbness
  • Disrupted sleeping patterns
  • Changed eating habits
  • The roller coaster of emotional energy 
  • Feeling alone, detached from others or disrespectful of others since the death.
  • Loss of identity or purpose in life, feeling like part of themselves died with their loved ones
  • tremor of hands
  • emotional sickness 
  • mood swings


  1. Replace the loss:-  this is common with pet loss or the end of a romantic relationship . our mind will search for some other person. but iam sure that it won't help
  2. keep busy:- if i keep busy then i won't have time to think about the loss.  you are escaping from the situation you are not facing it . just face it . 
  3. Don't feel bad :- this is usually followed by an intellectual true statement .    "i'm correct. that person is wrong" don't think like that. because  their will be .1 level of mistakes from you.
  4. Be strong:- usually the griever is asked to be strong for others. it's ok not to be strong , don't force your self to change.
  5. Grieve alone:- often this advice is subtly implied , you don't need to hide your feelings just express it.
  6. Time heals:- time does not heal, action within time does. we know people have waited for years and years to come   out .

Following are some of the types of comments by friends and family that were not helpful to grievers

  1. don't think about them
  2. change yourself
  3. move on
  4. you will be fine 
  5. it's all her /his faults, don't feel down
  6. you should not be feeling that way still
  7. you are from good family , why are you  worrying for that underrated person
  8. don't feel bad 
  9. you should be grateful for what you still have 
  10. it was just a dog, cat, bird

Following are some outcomes of successful grief recovery

  • Recovery means feeling better
  • Recovery is finding new meaning for living, without the fear of being hurt again.
  • Recovery is being able to enjoy fond memories without having them turn painful.
  • Recovery is acknowledging that it is perfectly all right to feel sad from time to time and to talk about those feelings no matter how those around you react.
  • Recovery from loss is achieved by a series of small and correct choices made by griever.
  • Most importantly, recovery means acquiring the skills we should have been taught as a child. 
  •  it's ok to cry
  • it's ok to shout 
  • Be bold 
  • we came alone 
  • we  go alone 
  • don't stress your mind
  • it's ok to express your feeling
  • write your feeling .if it is bad then write in paper . you can burn it or you can even through it away
  • make  yourself positive 
  • you can do it
  • Stay positive, stay healthy
Rich mindset
  • Lives in the present
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Helps others succeed
  • Doesn't complain 
  • Constantly learning
  • Quits bad habit
  • Takes action
Bye everyone...signing off subha..💕


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