pregnancy and exercise

A lot of women , when they are pregnant are worried about how much exercise they can or can't take 
• lots of women stop exercise
• it is not necessarily a good thing
1. If pregnant women like to do exercise then she is not recommended to do exercise very vigorously in early pregnancy because it is associated with miscarriage.
2. At the end of pregnancy then some exercise obviously become very uncomfortable.
Recommended activities
1st trimesters:-
• Walk 10 -15 min
• 3 days a week
*Feel ready*
 • add another day 
• increase 5 min
After few weeks 
• Add 5 days of walking 
• End of the 1st trimester walk 10-20 min
2nd trimester
• walk 10min 
•for 4 to 5 days
• at the end of the 2nd trimester walk 15-30 min
3nd trimester 
• slow walk for 5 to 6 days
• walk for 10 min
• 15-30 min of walking is great at end of trimester
2.Sit to stand exercise can be done at third trimester
Exercise help
1.lung function
2. Blood flow to uterus
4.decrease  caesarean section
5.faster postpartum
6.decrease risk of premature birth
7.decrease excessive gestational weight gain
8.decrease gestational diabetes
9.decrease operative vagina delivery.
10.decrease body fat
Benefits (unborn)
1. Increase placenta viability
2.increase tolerance to labor
3.increase neuro development
1. Shortness of breath
2. Chest pain 
3. Palpitation
4. Painful uterine contraction
5.leakage of amniotic fluid.
6. Vaginal bleeding
7. Decrease fetal movement
8. Placenta previa
9. Anemia
10. Preeclampsia
Personal suggestions
At time when my sister was pregnant 1 year before . she do regular exercise (walking) and at the last trimester when due date is nearing before that time . she also did sit and stand exercise and it end up with normal delivery with no complication..I recommend all mothers except contraindications to walk daily..slow walk...For healthy and happy baby and mother 💕
If their is  any doubt .ping your doctor and ask  their recommendations too...
                       Thank you🙏


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