madhumeha (diabetes mellitus) do's and don'ts

 Pathya (do's)
1.Cerals - Barley, special variety of rice (shyavaka, kodrava) wheat
2.Pulses - Green gram, Pigeon pea ,atasi, chicken pea (chana)
3. Fruit and vegetables - Patola ,bitter gourd,amalaki,haridra,black pepper
4.Others - Honey,betel nut, rock salt
5. Lifestyle - walking, playing, physical exercise, bathing
6.yava churna
7.yava lehya
8.laghava bhakshya (light eatables)
9.Ahara in prameha 
• cooked Barley without adding any unctuous articles 
•barley porridge 
•roasted corn flour
•old shali rice
• bitter vegetables
• Barley soaked in decoction of triphala and kept overnight should be mixed with honey
11 bath
12.application of ointment made of ushira (vettiver) tvak (lavangapattai/karuvapattai) agaru (agalichandanam) chandanam 

Apathya (don'ts)
1. Cerals - newly harvested cerals, freshly harvested grains
2.Pulses - black gram
3. others - milk, curd , buttermilk, clarified butter ,oil, jaggery, alcohol,sugarcane products,betel , eating before digestion of previous food, incompatible 
4.Lifestyle - Day sleeping,sudation, smoking, suppression of natural urges, therapeutic bloodletting,riding, walking
5.carbohydrate rich foods like rice ,cakes ,banana
6.jack fruits,mango
7.curd ,sugarcane,dates,meat


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