process of knowing yourself

1.Maintain personal diary
•  It helps you in learning what you are 
• your likes and dislikes
• Your Passion
• What you want to be in life
• Find 5 to 10 min everyday and choose a comfortable place to write
• Write about how you feel,what bothers you, what excites you and establish connection between you and yourself.
2. Practice meditation
• Find 10min every day and sit comfortably, 
• Focus on your breath and allow the thoughts that enter your mind.
• Acknowledge them but don't allow them to disturb you.
3. Exercise regularly.
• helps a person physically and mentally
• if you are facing hard times then exercise is the best way to slow you down
4.Go for walk regularly
• It's allow you to slow down and notice what's going on around you
5. Do some riding or driving
• driving proves to be good process particularly when you find it hard to locate a quite place
6. Do some outing
• A day spent in park , a theatre. Coffee house that allows you to be with yourself
7. Develop some hobbies
• Hobbies help you to find some time to relax
8. Develop new interest
 • allow yourself to think something new and different 
• Investigate and research things you find interesting
• Try connecting ideas that come across your mind and continuously explore 


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