Ayurveda - lifestyle

 what is ayurveda?

The ancient indian system of health and medicine. ayurveda medicine have different aspects like spiritual , holistic, preventive health care , curative aspect , health promotion

lets we talk about Healthy daily routine 

  the healthy routine is a very important for healthy life . the rhythm in which the body works, differs throughout the day and in different seasons. if you set up a perfect body and mind rhythm, the hormones and enzymes of the body will also be released at proper times. this way there will be less chance of body to get afflicted with disease.

healthy daily routines are 

  • waking up in brahma muhutra (7-8 hours of sleep)
  • have sip of water 
  • brushing 
  • massaging the body 
  • some general exercises
  • bath 
  • morning reading 
  • having light food 

there are some adharaneeya vegas ( those vegas should not be controlled )

 Body produce natural products that need to  be thrown out at correct time.
  • whenever there is a natural urge ( flatus, urine , faeces, cough, sneeze, hunger, thirst, sleep, semen) it should not be withheld 
  • whenever there is no urge it should not be induced 

8 Healthy daily habits for healthy life 

  • waking up half an hour early
  • prayer in morning
  • drink 5-6 glasses of water 
  • practice silence for few minutes
  • taking light food at night 
  • drinking hot water at night
  • reading a page of self help book or spiritual book at bed time 

Habits to change 

  • Eat  only when hungry
  • follow diet rule( do not talk excessively , do not drink water )
  • occasional fasting
  • stomach health is greatly influenced by sleep 
  • a sleep of 7-8 hours is requires for a good stomach health.
  • people suffering from indigestion are advised for day sleeping
  • keep those hard works when you feel lightness in stomach 
  • keep the first hour after lunch for light work which involves your brain lesser
  • so , concentrate a little on your stomach and enjoy best of your health.
Ayurveda explains that any disease has its origin in stomach and intestines. the initial stage of disease manifestation involves a condition called as - Ama. 
Ama can be told as a complex caused by undigested food and weak gastric juice. 
Ama is characterized by indigestion 


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