~ First 1000 days from pregnancy until a child 2nd birth day is critical period
~ In which the stage is being set for a person's intellectual development and their lifelong health
~ It's a period of enormous potential but also enormous vulnerability
~ Decision around  feeding in the first two years of life are especially important for protecting a child health optimising their development and maximizing their chances of thriving in the world around them
~ International global child health organization recommend that new mother's initiate breast feeding within the first hour of life and breast feed exclusively for the first six month
~ Exclusive Breastfeeding means that other than breastmilk no other liquids or solids are given to the child by mouth with in the first six month unless they are medicine that are prescribed by a doctor's.
~ Exclusive Breastfeeding for six months is the best way to feed a child because .it provide ideal nutritional support and tailored protection against infectious agent in the child environment
~ From six months onwards the nutrients demand of growth increase and it's become important to compliment breast feeding with a variety of soft solid foods
~ Frequency of the complementary food should increase  as the baby grows.
~ Continuing to Breastfeed a child who is already eating solid foods offer ongoing health benefits
~ It will ideally continue until the child is 2 years or even older
~ It's also important that there's enough nutrients diversity in the childs diet to prevent micronutrients deficiency


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