~ Around the world today a large majority of new mother's breastfeeding but the numbers drop quickly.
~ globally rates of exclusive breastfeeding are still too low
~ World health organization estimate that around the world only about 40% of infants under 6 months are being exclusively Breast feed
~ Around the world new mother's report a variety of reasons for deciding against exclusive breastfeeding and almost all of these can be overcome.
~ Many new mother's experienced discomfort or pain in the early days of breast feeding
~ Some mother's struggle wih getting the baby latch the skin is very sore . This is can be due to irritation of the skin around the nipple when the babies latch is too shallow or too engorgement of the Breast tissue
~  Breastfeeding almost always becomes more comfortable with practice.
~ Many mother's worry that their child may be getting enough milk
~ establishing good supply can take time and it's normal for mother's to wonder how much milk is actually being produced
~  There are few signs that can help new mother's to recognise that their babies are getting enough milk
~ these include a regular feeding schedule softer Breast after each feed and regular wet or solid nappies or diapers
~ After the 1st week during which new borns can actually lose some weight they should start gaining weight steadily on breast milk alone.
~ New mother's are often overwhelmed by the immense responsibility that Caring for a new life brings with it.
~ There is lot of anxiety around suddenly having this new life in your hand and knowing that you are their life source still
~ Some may also be sleep deprived and may be receiving inaccurate advice from the people around them
~ For example in some countries the older generation will encourage early introduction of solid food in the belief that this will help the baby to sleep longer 
~ In these communities there may be a lack of awareness around the dangers of introducing solid food too early
1.many mother's face challenges in the early stages of Breastfeeding
2.Breastfeeding was a skill
3.Breastfeeding takes time and practice
4.Every mother should learn new skill
5. Protecting the health of mother and baby in this special way is almost always worth it.


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