~ New born period is critical time for infant feeding
~ During birth the foetus transition from a sterile environment into one that is populated by potentially disease causing microbes.
~ Because the new born immune system is still naive a baby heavily on her mother's immune system to detect and manufacture specific defended to potential pathogens in their shared environment
~ Without the passive immunity a baby is significantly more likely to contract infection in the first six months
~ In many cases the pathogens that cause these infection gain access to the baby by way of unsafe early feeding
~ In parts of the world where the cost of formula feeding puts on economic strain on a family.this practice is also lead to malnutrition immune suppression , infection
~ Liquid before breastfeed is initiated before Breastfeeding prelacteal feeding this practice is especially dangerous
~. Early introduction of solid food raises a child risk of developing nutritional diseases, chronic diseases
~ For this reason the first six month Breastfeeding is best


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