• The mammary gland makes and secrete milk
  • This glands drains into a collection of lactiferous duct which carry milk to the nipple.where each duct has its own opening
  • Darker area of the skin that surrounds the nipple is called areola.
  • It helps the newborn baby to see and find her mothers  nipple.
  • soon after baby born .baby will instinctively search for her mothers nipple. this is called rooting reflex and its one of the many special talents babies are born.
  • Many new mothers need help getting their baby to latch properly or take enough breast into the mouth so that breastfeeding is comfortable.
  • when the baby begins to suck or feed at the breast ascending sensory information travels to the mothers brain causing the release of 2 harmones . prolactin and oxytocin
  • prolactin stimulates milk production and oxytocin stimulates the contraction of  lobules that hold the milk inside the breast. this is called as let down reflex
  • even the sound of baby can initiate the let down reflex
  • most child health organization around the world recommended early frequent breast feeding with mothers and baby kept close together in early newborn period to promote easy access to the breast 
  • Early introduction of formula can interfere with supply demand component of establising good milk supply.
  • In some countries newborn given other liquids or solids like water , sugar water even  before they begin breast feeding this is called prelactyl feeding is especially dangerous.
  • It can interfere with initiation of breastfeeding but it can lead to gastrointestinal infection, diarrheal disease , dehydration, death
  • Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is gold standard of infant feeding for healthy mothers and infants.


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