
Showing posts from July, 2023


           The primary mistake that person make is  not considering how the mind function. they thus become trapped by thoughts, mood, and feelings that are transitory. they pass through the field of conscious awareness in a continuous flow. one thing is certain about mental function -- it is always changing            In the ayurvedic sense mind comprises thinking, intellectual reasoning, memory, emotion and feelings. it is interesting to note that the emotion and feelings are consider so intrinsic to mental function they are not classified as being separate from the working of mind. why is this ?          What is it that perceives the emotion or feelings? When you say, ''I am depressed '' what is it that becomes aware of this state?          when you say '' i feel sad '' or i feel bad'' what is it that contains awareness of these passing state ? some process occurs that not only conscious, but it also aware of what is passing - be it a thought,