

           The primary mistake that person make is  not considering how the mind function. they thus become trapped by thoughts, mood, and feelings that are transitory. they pass through the field of conscious awareness in a continuous flow. one thing is certain about mental function -- it is always changing            In the ayurvedic sense mind comprises thinking, intellectual reasoning, memory, emotion and feelings. it is interesting to note that the emotion and feelings are consider so intrinsic to mental function they are not classified as being separate from the working of mind. why is this ?          What is it that perceives the emotion or feelings? When you say, ''I am depressed '' what is it that becomes aware of this state?          when you say '' i feel sad '' or i feel bad'' what is it that contains awareness of these passing state ? some process occurs that not only conscious, but it also aware of what is passing - be it a thought,

madhumeha (diabetes mellitus) do's and don'ts

 Pathya  (do's) 1.Cerals - Barley, special variety of rice (shyavaka, kodrava) wheat 2.Pulses - Green gram, Pigeon pea ,atasi, chicken pea (chana) 3. Fruit and vegetables - Patola ,bitter gourd,amalaki,haridra,black pepper 4.Others - Honey,betel nut, rock salt 5. Lifestyle - walking, playing, physical exercise, bathing 6.yava churna 7.yava lehya 8.laghava bhakshya (light eatables) 9.Ahara in prameha  • cooked Barley without adding any unctuous articles  •barley porridge  •roasted corn flour •old shali rice • bitter vegetables • Barley soaked in decoction of triphala and kept overnight should be mixed with honey 10.vyayama 11 bath 12.application of ointment made of ushira (vettiver) tvak (lavangapattai/karuvapattai) agaru (agalichandanam) chandanam  13.buttermilk Apathya (don'ts) 1. Cerals - newly harvested cerals, freshly harvested grains 2.Pulses - black gram 3. others - milk, curd , buttermilk, clarified butter ,oil, jaggery, alcohol,sugarcane products,betel , eating before d

obesity (sthaulya) pathyaapathya (do's and don'ts)

Pathya (do's) 1.Cerals - special variety of rice (shyavaka ,kodrava), bajra,maze(maka) , Barley 2.Pulses- pigeon pea (Agrahara), green gram(mudga),kulattha,chickenpea (chana) 3. Fruits and vegetables- brinjal ,paravala, drumstick (shigru) 4.others - buttermilk,cardomom, amlaki, Mustard oil,luke warm water,priyangu,guggulu,lauha bhasma , Shilajit,intake of water before meal ,food substance with pungent,bitter and astringent taste - physical education,night awakening,worry,massage with medicated paste or powder , lighting,sunlight exposure, walking, desaturation, exercise, bathing with Luke warm water Apathya ( don'ts) 1.cerals -newly harvested cerals, wheat 2.pulse- black gram  3.fruits and vegetables - potato 4.others -milk, curd, meat,fish,clarified butter,jaggery,intake of water after meal - bathing with cold water ,day sleeping, luxurious lifestyle, oil massage

process of knowing yourself

1.Maintain personal diary •  It helps you in learning what you are  • your likes and dislikes • Your Passion • What you want to be in life • Find 5 to 10 min everyday and choose a comfortable place to write • Write about how you feel,what bothers you, what excites you and establish connection between you and yourself. 2. Practice meditation • Find 10min every day and sit comfortably,  • Focus on your breath and allow the thoughts that enter your mind. • Acknowledge them but don't allow them to disturb you. 3. Exercise regularly. • helps a person physically and mentally • if you are facing hard times then exercise is the best way to slow you down 4.Go for walk regularly • It's allow you to slow down and notice what's going on around you 5. Do some riding or driving • driving proves to be good process particularly when you find it hard to locate a quite place 6. Do some outing • A day spent in park , a theatre. Coffee house that allows you to be with yourself 7. Develop some

pregnancy and exercise

A lot of women , when they are pregnant are worried about how much exercise they can or can't take  • lots of women stop exercise • it is not necessarily a good thing * SUGGESTIONS *  1. If pregnant women like to do exercise then she is not recommended to do exercise very vigorously in early pregnancy because it is associated with miscarriage. 2. At the end of pregnancy then some exercise obviously become very uncomfortable. Recommended activities 1.walking 1st trimesters:- • Walk 10 -15 min • 3 days a week *Feel ready*  • add another day  • increase 5 min After few weeks  • Add 5 days of walking  • End of the 1st trimester walk 10-20 min 2nd trimester • walk 10min  •for 4 to 5 days • at the end of the 2nd trimester walk 15-30 min 3nd trimester  • slow walk for 5 to 6 days • walk for 10 min • 15-30 min of walking is great at end of trimester 2.Sit to stand exercise can be done at third trimester Exercise help 1. lung function 2. Blood flow to uterus 3.depression 4.decrease  caesare

SELF DISCOVERY(importance)

If you know yourself you will be able to know your strength and weakness . subsequently you will be able to remove your weak portion. You must know yourself in oder to be useful to yourself and others  1. Help to control emotions • knowing yourself guards yourself against your response triggered by your emotions. • Everything you do is based on your emotions only and often emotions lead to miscalculatiom • knowing yourself helps to take control of your emotions and helps in decision and choices when you are in emotional state. 2. Helps to reach your goal • Knowing yourself is a very important task that you have to undertake and the most challenging as well. • When you know who you are, and clearly understand what you want you have better chance of discovering how to reach your goal ,personal fulfillment and happiness 3. Helps to reach better decisions • Knowing yourself is important because it will help you to make better decisions and be a better person • The most aware you are of you


~ like all mammals human being have evolved to be able to feed their young. ~ Historically infants who didn't have access to breastmilk almost always died ~ In early 1900 food scientists in Europe and America began developing milk substitute ~ Initially to be prescribed by doctors for infants whose mother's had died in childbirth or were unable to feed their babies due to serious illness ~ Even then breast milk substitute were inferior to breastmilk because they couldn't offer a baby passive immunity but they could give a baby who had lost access to his mother's milk a chance to survive into childhood ~ Soon it became clear that there was a business opportunity in infant feeding. ~ But how could women all over the world be persuaded to pay for something that had once been free ~ Through clever Marketing company's formula manufacturers began suggesting to mother's ~ Health care provider across the world that infant formula was scientifical


~The first step to Breastfeeding is getting you and your baby to feel relaxed and comfortable ~ Find a place where you won't be disturbed preferably somewhere quite ~ Where you and your baby will feel comfortable and safe  ~ A crying baby is difficult to latch ~ If your baby is crying try to calm her before you begin to breastfeed ~ There are several comfortable positions that can be used while breastfeeding ~  These include cradle or cross cradle ,the football hold or even lying down ~ There are many positions in which your baby can breastfeed ~ The key is to find out which position is comfortable for both you and your baby ~ Successful breastfeeding requires as much contact as possible between your baby's tongue and palate and your breast ~ If your baby doesn't take enough breast into her mouth, your nipple will push against a hard palate this is called a shallow latch ~ With the shallow latch , breastfeeding can


~ New born period is critical time for infant feeding ~ During birth the foetus transition from a sterile environment into one that is populated by potentially disease causing microbes. ~ Because the new born immune system is still naive a baby heavily on her mother's immune system to detect and manufacture specific defended to potential pathogens in their shared environment ~ Without the passive immunity a baby is significantly more likely to contract infection in the first six months ~ In many cases the pathogens that cause these infection gain access to the baby by way of unsafe early feeding ~ In parts of the world where the cost of formula feeding puts on economic strain on a family.this practice is also lead to malnutrition immune suppression , infection ~ Liquid before breastfeed is initiated before Breastfeeding prelacteal feeding this practice is especially dangerous ~. Early introduction of solid food raises a child risk of developing nutritional diseases, chronic disease


~ if mother undergone breast surgery or mother suffering from serious illness ~ baby born with serious health problem ~ many of these mother choose to feed their baby with breast milk that has been donated to local breast milk bank from others mother. ~ All containers should be sterilized and clean  ~ if you are giving dry formula powder it should always be measured carefully ~ mothers who is not breast feeding can still bond with her babies in many ways  1.wrapping her and baby skin to skin 2.mother can hold her child close to her chest while she feeding